2011年5月24日 星期二

告別中式英語—不可不知的英語文法(Singular/ Plural)


1. Don't expect too much from him. He's just a three years old boy.

2. I had three breads this morning.

3. The best way to keep yourself healthy is to do more exercises.

4. 3500 dollars is too much for a concert ticket.

5. Chicken is my favorite food.

6. The committee comprise of 20 members.

7. The committee are willing to increase the budget to $2500.

1. Don't expect too much from him. He's just a three-year-old boy.
某些由數字和單位組成的phrases可以加上「-」組成形容詞,但眾數名詞的必須改成單數形態,如a three-year-old boy和a 100-dollar banknote。

2. I had three slices of bread this morning.

3. The best way to keep yourself healthy is to do more exercise.
某些名詞同時擁有「可數」和「不可數」的形態,兩種形態的意思可以完全不一樣。以exercise為例,若以可數形態(an exercise、exercises),解作「練習」,若以不可數形態(exercise)表示,一般解作「運動」。另一個常見的分別和「種類」有關,一些不可數的名詞若以可數形態表示時,可解作該名詞「不同種類」。如grass本身不可數,若以a grass、grasses表示,解作「一種/ 不同種類的草」。

4. 3500 dollars is too much for a concert ticket.

5. Chicken is my favorite food.

6. The committee comprises of 20 members.
在英語,有一類被稱為「group nouns」的名詞,代表不同的團體,如committee、team、government等等,可解作團體的整體,或團體的成員。當它們以單數形態表示,而意思是「團體的整體」時,所配的動詞便需要是單數形態。

7. The committee are willing to increase the budget to $2500.
這是正確的。Group nouns若被解作「團體的成員」,即使以單數形態表示,所配的動詞便應是眾數形態,因為團體的成員不止一個。

