2011年5月6日 星期五



1. Chair is made of wood.

2. Jackson loves eating apple.

3. I was sitting in living room when the earthquake happened.

4. The government in Hong Kong has refused to offer help to poor.

5. Earth is 1.5 billion kilometers from Sun.

6. Mount Everest is located in Himalayas.

7. South China Morning Post is one of the best-selling newspapers in Hong Kong.

8. Students in Hong Kong usually go to the school on weekdays.

9. Do you have an one-hundred-dollar note?

1. A Chair is made of wood.
若沒有前置詞(Prepositions)在名詞前面,所有可數的單數名詞前而必須加上a/ an/ the。

2. Jackson loves eating apples.

3. I was sitting in the living room when the earthquake happened.

4. The government in Hong Kong has refused to offer help to the poor.
「poor」原本是形容詞,但有時可作名詞使用,代表「所有窮人」(all the poor people),不過使用時必須在「poor」前加上冠詞「the」。

5. Earth is 1.5 billion kilometers from the Sun.

6. Mount Everest is located in the Himalayas.
Mount Everest是一個山峰,佔地較小,不用加上冠詞,反而佔地較大的山脈則需要加上冠詞「the」。

7. The South China Morning Post is one of the best-selling newspapers in Hong Kong.

8. Students in Hong Kong usually go to school on weekdays.
若學生到學校是為了上課而不是做其他事情,便不用在「school」前面加上冠詞「the」,就如「go to hospital」解作「因病入院」,「go to jail」是「因犯罪入獄」。另一方面,我們可以說「Parents go to the school」,因為他們到學校的目的通常不是為了上課。

9. Do you have a one-hundred-dollar note?

